Thanks Kaddu. An award was exactly the thing that I needed the most. Considering from whom this award came, it means a world to me. Kaddu, you are one of the best and most admired bloggers .
Of late, a strange blue has surrounded me. I have no clue what it is. It happens to me sometimes. Without any visible or obvious reasons, I feel depressed. My mind tells me that I have no reason to feel depressed. I have an adoring family; A job that pays me rather well; an address of my own (my own house) and a beautiful wife and daughter; yet the world looks gloomy. But I guess it happens to all.
A lot of people inspire me. I was watching the interview of Vishal Bhardwaj the other day, and I was awestruck by his simplicity and nonchalance to all the success life has bestowed him. Look at him, the whole world is talking about Kaminey. For me, watching the movie was an awe-inspiring experience. All may not agree, but the movie was one of the finest in bollywood, at least in a long time. And then I watched this interview, and I was like, “WHAT? Is this the same guy who made this movie?”. He is my hero, and the cause behind the logic that true talent needs no self-promotion. You have it and it shows, and it will only show if you have it.
The Zombie Chicken Award
As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all.
I am passing the award to 5 among the most talented of bloggers in my list. They sure inspire me, to say the least. They are in no particular order.
Aparna: You have rockstar-like abilities to attract. Every post of yours is a super entertainer. Wit comes to you naturally.
Sujata: What I have observed about you, you have an Arundhati Roy like sensibility to small things. You should try your hands at writing a book. You pass on the emotions to the reader in the most effective ways, with simplest of words. Way to go.
Sucharita: Vivid and candid: words that come to my mind. Reading your blog is traveling with you, to another era, as if it happened yesterday or the day before. You sure should write a book. You are a great narrator.
Santanu Da: I have this awe about him, he never stops inspiring me. In fact, I look at him as a reference point.
Gayathri: The youngest, yet a talent house. She is gifted and someone I look forward to reading all the time.
Thanks Kaddu, I just couldn’t wait to respond to this award. Any more awards? Let me know, I am a sucker for AWARDS.
P.S: All awards(recognitions) come with greater responsibilities....So does this...a Short story competition is coming up for the winners. I would give the topic and probably the plot too. All you have to do is to write a story.....So watch-out...
Hey congrats ZB. This is good ya...u deserve this as u inspire many on this blogger. Keep it up:)
i'd go by Neha...yu sure are a good and yu are one of my inspirations in the blog world:)...kudos to yu mate!
Thanks, Manoj, I feel honoured. Of the four you have named along with me, I follow two and read them as often as I can. Just now, I have read the latest posts of Aparna and Gayathri and I find that both of them write really well. Thanks for introducing them to me and for placing me in such good company. The only regret is that I am the odd man out in the group!!!
Hey congrats ZB :-) You know even i go through the depression wala phase and i think because of too much stress but it always is a phase which passes away and so will yours because you have the ability to see the positives that are stacked with you :-) What you have written about VB is so true. His growth from a lyricst to music director to a full fledged direc has been phenomenal & non assuming & that's he has that air of being connected with people and reality :) Take care buddy !!
Hey Congrats!! That's a nice post!! You have expressed very truly about the blog mates you have passed the award..
I was wondering how closely we can know a person from the writing!!
Dude! You forgot to include the writeup about the Zombie Chickens in your post. It's important as it tells the recipient whom to pass on this Award to. In other words, copy-paste it here fast or else the Zombie Chickens will get you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Awww, I am overwhelmed. Thank you.
And you don't think I can write a book too? I think I will sulk for a while.
Ha ha...Congrats!I am impressed with the name of this award. Do let me know what it means. My GK is very low these days. Zombie and Chicken!!! Phew....
Do let me know how to use Twitter. Yesterday, they refused my entry saying that I was overcrowding there. Sheesh!! Do I feel bad already or what?
@Kaddu: Sorry dear, i forgot in the heat of excitement. I have pasted it . Thanks :)
@Aparna: I just didnt want to repeat my sentence every time. And stating something obvious is under-stating it. You are one of the few who could write a book. You Rock lady :)
@Neha: Thanks Dear. Next award is for you. You are inspiring to say the least. TC:)
@Hary:Thanks Mate. TC Buddy.:)
@Santanu Da: Thanks. You deserve many awards. TC:)
@Smita: Thanks buddy. I agree about VB. He is a phenomenon.TC:)
@Swatantra: Thanks buddy. :)
@Jyothi: Thats the beauty of this award. It keeps you guessing. I agree, Indeed Low GK. hehe...kidding...
Twitter is so easy to use.But for doubts i am not the right person to ask . I just started using it since yesterday. :)
I am not convinced, since my name is on top, the book remark should have been there first. Then there would not have been any question of repeating that statement na?
I think I will sulk some more.
Congrats zb..you truly deserve the award..for once,whenever those ppl,aparna or the like,who follows u publish an award,i expect ur name in that..well,pro'ly coz everyone feels the same way about you..
and thanks a ton.. :) :)..
btw,Manoj!!! got it :P
when u try suppressing my curiosity,it just becomes overwhelming !! :P
Hmmmm...You really do deserve the award, now that I know what it means. :) Great Job!!!!
WOW!! am really happy with this one.. Thanks a ton for passing it on to me At times i want to frame all of the awards up and put them in my hubby's office!! great na? I am such a power house of wrong ideas..I can write a book..but who will publish??The day i get a man with loads of money and as silly as me..my book is on the store shelves!!
@ Jyothi!
A-ha! You mean I chose wisely, right? Yayyyy! That means I'm saved from the wrath of the Zombie Chickens! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Yes you did! And so did ZB aka Manoj. I am working on it!!Maybe someday I will win one too!!:(
Remember wise man's words- mind has to be messed up to become a writer - I didn't even get the award...Boo hoo....boo hoo....I am sulking BIG time!!!But don't tell ZB. ;)
@ Jyothi:
Okkkkkkkkk! So he's called 'Manoj' hmmmmm! Finally the mystery is solved! :D
@ ZB:
What is this yaar? Everybody is sulking here! First Aparna, then Jyothi? You need to do something!
@Aparna: You should write a book. You should write an adventure , perhaps an Robinson crusoe......but with your humour.....Go write one now....:)
@Kaddu: Manoj, who is that? Ok, thats my another alter ego....:))
@Jyothi: All Champagnes are wine, but all wines are not champagnes.
Similarly all messed-up's need not be writers. :)
YAYYY!!!! congrats.. CELEBRATIONS!!!! Another award to the long list. Would you like to thank anyone? Hehe. Congrats. Happy for u. U totally deserve it
@ Jyothi, let's boycott this man's blog.
@Aparna: Ohhh, Pleazzee......Feel free to boycott. :))
Everyone goes through a phase of depression
In all this sulking and uproar thats going on in your page, i thought I should let you know that yours truly is really obliged by the fact that you have deemed her important enough to be capable of writing a book, and has also put in her thanks and acceptance speech, at the correct time. But it seems that it has gone unnoticed..with all the pacifying that you have been forced to do!!
Hey ZB, Congo man. I am following u on twitter as judilson, my real name.
@Sujata: hehe, thanks...i agree on the pacifying. People will never be satisfied with what they are given..... Reminds me of Vinay pathak's dialogue in Bheja fry....People who want to Boycotte are always welcome.....I never started to blog bcoz they were blogging. Take care, appreciate your acceptance speech. :)
@Abstract: Yo man, Thanks buddy. I know, i saw your name. Catcha soon mate. :)
@Chowla Ji: Thanks. :)
@Zeba: Thanks buddy. :)
@Gay3: Thanks, whats in a name. Arun , manoj all the same...And you too deserve the award. :)
Congratulations for your award. You are a very good writer and you deserve it.Keep writing.
If you can't handle 2 sulking women on your blog, how will you deal with so many adoring BUT demanding fans when you become a bestseller author? I am worried.
Please hire a PR executive when that happens.
Still sulking, Aparna.
loved the onam effect on your blog..
@babli Thanks a ton. :)
@Aparna: But why are you sulking? Mera kasoor? haha, just coz i didnt say you can write a book. I say it now, if anyone can write its you, its you and its you. Enough?
And jyothi, award is nothing....next one is for you. TC:)And i am going Aamir khan
way..no more awards for me.
Anonimous: Thanks :)
@Kavita: Thanks dear. :)
Ooooh @ the big Onam related pic at top :D All set for sadhya? :)
I guess you're just feeling lonely and hence 'feeling blue'. Keep urself occupied more often or tell ur wife and kids to come down :)
The Zombie Chicken award huh? lol. Congrats to the recipients :)
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